
[Blog Post] The Push Notification Feature & How to Double Your Monthly Fee with Message Limits

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Engineers have been sending a lot of feature and improvement requests and our development team has been hard at work implementing. We love seeing those requests come in because it helps our team know what's important to you and what's going to get you out there getting clients and making money.

On Wednesday's weekly Q&A Call, Dr. Ben Adkins and Zach Anderson dropped some serious knowledge in the form of unveiling and showcasing new updates to the Customer Engine app and showing how to use last week's new feature to double your monthly agency fee.

Here are some highlights:

  • Push Notification Feature

    The team rolled out the brand new push notification feature located within campaigns. This functionality will allow restaurant owners or managers the ability to be notified when someone first tests the system - or even EVERY time someone tests the system. They will be able to receive these notifications by their choice of email or text message.

    Dr. Ben commented during the call about how powerful this will be for initial onboarding with new clients, as they will be able to instantly see the platform at work. Zach made a great point as well - let that manager or owner get overwhelmed with the number of opt-in notifications they are receiving. If they get annoyed by how often their phone or email lights up, you're doing something right!

  • How to Double Your Monthly Fee with Message Limits

    Dr. Ben also spent some time on the call highlighting another recent app update, which dealt with the ability to limit messages and contacts within the platform. The Customer Engine team put together a pricing sheet to serve as a guide for Engineers as they develop strategies to use the new limit features to structure payments from clients.

    In addition, the team also developed a tiered pricing structure within Canva that agency owners can present to clients. Engineers will be able to adjust and use this template to establish guidelines with their clients and even work to increase limits throughout the relationship which - you guessed it - makes you more money!

    Both of these resources are available in the app under the replay of the October 14th Q&A Call.

We are so excited to be able to share these new features with you and to watch you put them to use. Be sure to post your success stories within the Facebook group.

Join us every Wednesday at 2 PM EST as we share more app updates, success stories, and answer your questions - register in the app!

Ring that bell, Engineers!

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