
How to Build Loyalty Using SMS Birthday Campaigns

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Do me a favor and think back to your last birthday. Remember all the in-person wishes, phone calls, Facebook posts, and, yes, even text messages you received?


Maybe more importantly, remember how they made you feel?


Celebrating someone's birthday is one of the most important events in their life each year and something as simple as sending a birthday wish or gift can go a long way in building long-term relationships - personally and professionally.


That's why when we present effective campaigns with high rates of conversion to our clients across every niche, one of the first promotions we suggest is a birthday campaign.


We've had some great success increasing engagement, loyalty, and thus, revenues across every business with which we work - enough so that we want to share what we've learned in the process.


The best part is, in many cases the offer is almost secondary - and in some, it's not even promoted. We work with the business and let them decide the offer, but the real key to these campaigns is the engaging texts themselves.


Everyone loves to be acknowledged on their birthday.


The process for building our successful birthday campaigns is pretty simple:


  • First, we build a landing page to which we direct customers.
  • Next, we build one automated sequence that acts as a confirmation, then another that includes the birthday messaging and offer.
  • Finally, we build and advertise promotional collateral enticing customers to join the "Birthday Club."


Then, we sit back and watch the results roll in.


Sounds pretty simple, right? The only thing that may be missing from your arsenal to put this into play for your business right now is the tool to execute.


Take a look at the video below to see the tool we use with businesses everywhere:


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