
How to Increase Traffic & Loyalty for Your Retail Boutique

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If you've been in the retail business any amount of time, we don't have to tell you how challenging it can be.


Determining the right products to carry is challenging. Ordering just the right amount of inventory is challenging. Keeping up with the latest trends and making adjustments based on the needs of your clientele is challenging.


That's why when we sit down to have conversations with our clients who own retail boutiques, we do everything we can to make it clear our goal is to push more customers through their doors while enticing them to spend more money when they come in.


When we do that, we've taken one major headache off their plate and allowed them to spend more time doing what they love.


We've had some great success increasing traffic and loyalty in retail boutiques with which we work - enough so that we want to share what we've learned in the process.


Our success has come from many hours through many years of testing. We are able to build valuable list-building promotions for them, but from there it's all about developing and testing promotional offers to determine which ones resonate with customers.


We've seen some great success developing day-specific deal programs that can offer a wide variety of value to our clients' best customers, such as:


First Thursday - 20% Off In-store Purchases

Second Thursday - Get a FREE Travel Bag (while supplies last)

Third Thursday - Get a $25 Gift Card with any purchase of $100+

Fourth Thursday - Sip & Shop: Come Enjoy Free Champagne & In-store Discounts from 4-7pm

Then, we sit back and watch the results roll in. Obviously, some offers are going to draw more than others, but we're determining what the customers on these lists prefer and after that, it's all about adjusting future offers to drive even more revenues.


Sounds pretty simple, right? The only thing that may be missing from your arsenal to put this into play for your retail boutique right now is the tool to execute.


Take a look at the video below to see the tool we use with retail boutiques everywhere:



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