
[New Feature] vCard Messaging

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Whether it's through social media management, website building, podcasting, or SMS marketing, as you can probably imagine, our team works with a wide variety of niches and businesses.


Oddly enough, regardless of niche, business owners seem to all be looking for one thing in particular when it comes to building their customer base: engagement.


In a world where so much marketing noise exists, our businesses trust us to constantly be on the cutting edge of engaging their customers.


That's why Customer Engine's introduction of vCard Messaging is going to be so incredibly important to so many of our clients who really want to stand out.


For those wondering, vCard (also known as VCF: Virtual Contact File) is a file format standard for electronic business cards. Essentially, you can attach a vCard to a multimedia message (MMS) you send and include contact information, like names, addresses, and phone numbers.


These vCard Messages can perform a wide variety of engagement-building tasks, such as:


  • Establishing/Reinforcing Brand Identity
  • Increasing Conversion Rates
  • Cultivating Longterm Customer Relationships
  • And much, much more 


Placing a face/image, name, and contact information on SMS Marketing messages can open so many doors important to turning casual consumers into real advocates for your business.


Take a look at the video below to see a walkthrough of this exciting new feature:


We've also created this great document on "How to Create & Share vCards" to help.


Ready to start using Customer Engine to grow your business? Book a demo with us now using the button below.










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